Harry Potter fans will not want to miss their chance to truly feel like a wizard! Ollivander’s wand shop has two locations: one in Diagon Alley in Universal Studios and one in Hogsmeade in Islands of Adventure. You can simply enter the shop and browse and purchase the wand that speaks to you. Choose between custom wands or the wands of the popular Potter characters themselves. But why have a regular shopping experience when you can have the wand maker himself guide the wand to choose you in the unique Ollivander’s wand selection show?

Wand Selection
Fans will want to make sure to arrive early to sign up for this experience. Advance reservations were not available at the time of publication. You may sign up BEHIND Ollivander’s main entrance to the shop- in the central courtyard by the Museum of Muggle Commodities. You will be given a return time and you will be asked for the name of the witch or wizard who will be purchasing the wand. This entrance is also where you will be returning to for your appointment. The appointment itself is full of fanfare. Ollivander is just as you would expect- mysterious and wise. He takes his craft seriously. Watch below as my wand chooses me.
Practice Your Craft
Wizards do not have to purchase the wand from the show and the show is complimentary. I purchased my wand. It was $55 plus tax and comes with a map. On one side of the map is Hogsmeade and on the other is Diagon Alley. Spots are indicated on the map (and then marked on the cobblestone ground) where witches and wizards can practice their craft by casting spells. I was able to use the Meteolojinx spell to make it rain!! This by far was my favorite experience in the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. I would recommend that all Potterheads make time for this unique Ollivander’s wand selection show during your next trip!