We all know Florida is known for its beautiful, clear blue skies… however, you definitely need to be prepared during the rainy months. Luckily, I have you covered and will be providing backpack-friendly options for a dryer time!
#2: Mini Umbrella – You can find these on Amazon, however, the ones pictured are my personal favorite from Publix. It is small enough to fit in the side pockets or the bag itself, which is quick and easy to get to when it begins to pour!
#3: Light Rain Jacket or Rain Poncho – You can find cheap, thin rain jackets at most stores! *Fun little hack – If you don’t mind having wet Mickey ears you can use them to hold your hood up! If you do mind, you can put them inside your hood (a little difficult) and they will help keep the hood up.
Under the hood
Over the hood
#4: Portable Fan! – This is a must after the rain fall, as it tends to be extremely humid. Handheld fan Neck fan
Last but not least #5 (optional): Wallet you are able to use with or without a lanyard. This is a park staple for me and you don’t usually have to pull your ID out when need to show it.